Recovering a Sense of Self-Protection
I've been having intense nightmares about Dad’s addiction to alcohol. I used this discomfort and started writing a script about it. Since then, I’ve been sleeping better.
Morning Pages
Morning Evening
3 3
Artist Date
- 11/7: Visit to E6 Gallery for collage art show
- 11/14: Visit to Maritime Museum’s surreal murals and sailor’s ropework
#1) Dangers of the Trail - websurfing creates a rush and zones me out. It is mesmerizing and euphoric.
#2) Workholism - I place my creative dreams before my work: always
#3) Drought - during droughts I clean my studio, organize my boxes of materials, organize my binder pictures, collect new inspirations, sketch, do “unimportant” art, attend art shows
#4) Fame - I understand her point, but I would like my work to be better known, so that it creates even more opportunities.
#5) Competition - The desire to better than.
#3) The Awful Truth: What habit do you have that gets in the way of your creativity? Websurfing; What do you plan to do about the habit or problem? First become aware that I’m doing it. Which constructive habits do your constructive friends share with your constructive self? Dedication and hard work.
Last Week’s Action List
o Test goldleafing branch and setting on fire
X Test using wood rasp
X Review art website on large computer
o Research art museums in Berlin for 1 hour
o Research art galleries in Berlin for 2 hours
o Review AIR in Berlin for 1 hour
Next Week’s Action List
o Test goldleafing branch and setting on fire
o go to Scrap for materials (glass, pressboard, and binders)
o glue more mirror shards to neck area and finish
o practice cutting glass
o Research art museums in Berlin for 1 hour
o Research art galleries in Berlin for 2 hours
o Review AIR in Berlin for 1 hour