Visited the museum today with my two nephews. One had an existentialist crisis while standing in front of a painting of heaven and hell.
Today I worked in my studio completing a few personal errands and to continue conducting some tests for the installation Inverted Torches (working title). First though, I collected some materials for another sculptural-based installation Lay Still. Then I tested my new drawknife and found it to be less physically taxing than using regular carving knives. I'm going to have to sharpen it, so I took a quick inventory of my sandpaper supply and made notes for an on-line order. Finally, I made some quick cardboard templates to test the width of each torch.
Recovering a Sense of FaithCheck in
I received my pay for work. Going to see a therapist tomorrow. DJ-ing at the end of next month. Morning Pages Morning Evening X 2 Artist Date Videogames for several hours while drinking latte and eating cookies. Exercises
Next Week’s Action List o collect all Mourning artworks and do touchups o start headrest mockup to prepare for show o glue more mirror shards to neck area and finish o practice cutting glass o Research art museums in Berlin for 1 hour o Research art galleries in Berlin for 2 hours o Review AIR in Berlin for 1 hour Tonight I created more labels for my binders, which I started compiling over 10 years ago. I still have a few more to create and many pages to add to them.
Today I worked on creating a paper pattern for an upcoming project Lay Still. I also worked on creating a paper mockup for the spoon holder for Delightful Way.
Recovering a Sense of AutonomyCheck in
I’ve been organizing my dad’s intervention with a setback. I’m also preparing for an artshow at the end of January. Morning Pages Morning Evening X 1 Artist Date X Sections #1) Acceptance - “To be an artist is to recognize the particular. To appreciate the peculiar.” “To be an artist is to acknowledge the astonishing.” #2) Success - “Just when you get there, there disappears” “A restless appetite for further exploration.” “It is this willingness to once more be a beginner that distinguishes a creative career.” “Those who attempt to work too long with formula, even their own formula, eventually leach themselves of their creative truths.” Exercises X Last Week’s Action List X Test goldleafing branch and setting on fire X go to Scrap for materials (glass, pressboard, and binders) o glue more mirror shards to neck area and finish o practice cutting glasso Research art museums in Berlin for 1 hour o Research art galleries in Berlin for 2 hours Next Week’s Action List o collect all Mourning artworks and do touchups o start headrest mockup to prepare for show o glue more mirror shards to neck area and finish o practice cutting glass o Research art museums in Berlin for 1 hour o Research art galleries in Berlin for 2 hours o Review AIR in Berlin for 1 hour I've asked my friends for help to figure out the best technique and tool to use for my torch project. I decided to try using a draw knife. I ordered one made by Timber Tuff and the quality was absolutely terrible– the right handle was not secure and the blade was poorly made. I then ordered another one.
AUTHORTerrance Graven is a San Francisco artist whose installations incorporate sculptural elements, performance art, costumes, sound pieces, and theatrical lighting. CATEGORIES
March 2024